What did you bring home from IMWe?
IMWe is a great event to learn skills that you can use back home in your scout group, with friends or even at work. Here some IMWe participants share how they used ideas from IMWe back home!
Did you visit IMWe and bring something home with you? We would love to share your story! Please contact us —» via e-mail.
"Two weeks later my friends and I already ended up sitting at the table in my living room, sketching and drawing for hours – so concentrated that we weren’t even chatting…"
I let myself be inspired by previous IMWe themes and chose to transform into Queen Universa and take these fifty kids on a cruise through space.
What did you learn on IMWe?
Running a big game as an activity.
How did you implement it at home?
Did it as the main Saturday event on
a rover gathering.
How was it perceived at home?
Awesome! Not something we do here normally.
What did you learn on IMWe? How did you implement it at home?
Lovely Vera performed the very funny Lamasong on the creative evening, then I showed that song to my scout group, my cousin and my coworkers. It is a very stupid song but it brings so much joy. Weeks later I got Llama cookies from my coworkers, and a two lama themed
birthday presents (lama socks, postcards, etc) from my cousin.
What did you learn on IMWe?
Big games
How did you implement it at home?
I think imwe big games have revolutionised bit games in Icelandic scouting. Most of the big
game formats used in Iceland either come directly from imwe or are inspired by it.
How was it perceived at home?
It's been 18 years since my first imwe and I don't think Icelandic scouts fully realize where the
inspiration comes from. But it is in high regard.
Any advice for someone who wants to do the same?
Use a successful imwe game that you enjoyed and update it, so that it fits your theme and
scenario. That way, you can be sure that the inner economics of the game are tried and
tested. If you want to make your own from scratch, try using elements from a board game you