The Songbook
I hear singing from the basement...
Making music and singing together is a very important part of every IMWe. Every evening the old vaulted basement of the castle fills up with participants chatting and singing together. Many of the most popular songs are found in the Castle Songbook of Rieneck Castle, with its own pages for different scout groups and events.
To help you find and remember your favourite pieces from our Songbook we've published the list of songs below:
- In German:
Alkohol - Herbert Grönemeyer
Alle Soldaten woll'n nach Haus - Reinhard Mey
Allzeit bereit - VCP Bundeslied
Auf'ner Einsamen Insel - Marius Müller-Westernhagen
Burschen, Burschen
Damals - Hannes Wader
Der Kleine Troll - Mac (Eric Martin)
Der Mond ist aufgegangen - Mathhias Claudius
Der Rabe - Deutscher Pfadfinderburg Mosaik, Stamm Graf Luckner
Der Traum ist Aus - Ton. Steine. Scherben.
Die Ballade vom Pfeiffer - Reinhard Mey
Die Internationale - Emil Luckhardt/ Pierre de Geyter
Die Katz - Weltberühmte saarländische Weise
Die Kinder san dran - STS
Do kanns zaubre - BAP
Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen - Nina Hagen
Du machst Kleinholz - Werner Helwig, Wolfgang Held, Nerother Wandervogel
Du trägst keine Liebe in Dir - Echt
Edelweisspiraten -Hans-Jörg Maucksch/Herwig Steymanse
Es lebe der Zentralfriedhof - Wolfgang Ambros
Fünf Schwäe/ Banner - Aus dem Felsenquell, einem Trierer Liederbuch...
Fürstenfeld - STS
Griechischer Wein - Udo Jürgens
Grossvater - STS
Gute Nacht Freunde -Reinhard Mey
Gute Nacht Kameraden - Hans Baumann
Haschisch Rauchen macht Harmlos - Joint Venture
Hätt ich nur ein Luftgewehr - Lürgen von der Lippe
Heute hier, morgen dort - Hannes Wader
Holland - Joint Venture
Hone Tannen - 1923 nach einem fränkischen Volkslied, Bund der Ringpfadfinder
Ich schäme mich beim Wichsen - Joint Venture
Ich will keine Schokolade - Trude Herr
Ikarus - Rheinhard Mey
Junimond - Rio Reiser
Kiefern im Wind - Walter Scherf, Melodie aus Schweden
KOF Rocks - VCP Bundeslager 2006, R/R Teillagerlied
Könige von Deutschland - Rio Reiser
Leben Einzeln und Frei - Hannes Wader
Leise Weht der Wind - BdP Bezirk Wetterau 1983
Mein Michel
Mir Geht es wie dem Jesus - Wolfgang Ambros
Mit Achtzehn - Marius Müller-Westernhagen
Paar Daach fröher - BAP
Schifoan - Wolfgang Ambros
Schon so lang - Hannes Wader
Strassen auf und Strasen ab -George Foerster, helm (Helmut König)
Taximann - Marius Müller-Westernhagen
Tod und Mediziner - G.E. Lessing
Über den Wolken - Reinhard Mey
Verdamp Lang Her - BAP
Waldfest - D.Wilhelm -trad. Erich Schmeckenbecher
Was wollen wir trinken - Bots
Weit in der Champagne -Hannes Wader/ Eric Bogle
Weit, weit weg - Hubert von Golsern
Welle Wogte - Rudyard Kipling, Tuck
Wellenreiter - BAP
Wenn der Abend Naht - Mac (Eric Martin)
- International:
A New England - Billy Bragg
American Pie - Don McLean
Annie's Song - John Denver
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
Brown Colleen
Cannonball - Damien Rice
Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin/ Ugly Kid Joe
Come together - The Beatles
Country Roads - John Denver
Dirty Old Town - The Pogues
Doch of the Bay - Otis Redding
Don't Answer Me - Alan Parson
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong
Dust in the Wind - Kansas
Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
Father and Son - Cat Stevens
Fifty Ways to leave your Lover - Simon & Garfunkel
Fox on the Run - Manfred Mann
Free Falling - Tom Perry
Friday in Love - The Cure
Goodbye, my love goodbye - Dennis Roussos
Great Song of Indifference - Bob Geldof
Handle with Care - Travelling Wilburys
Hang on the Sloopy - The McCoys
Homeward Bouund - Simon & Garfunkel
I hope that I don't fall in love with you - Tom Walts
Imagine -John Lennon
I've Just Seen a Face - The Beatles
Just Like Heaven - The Cure
King of the Road
Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer
Knocking on Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan
La Bamba - Total traditional aus Mexiko oder auch Ritchie Valens
Learning to Fly - Tom Perry
Leaving on a Jetplane - John Denver
Lemon Tree - Fool's garden
Let it Be - The Beatles
Let it Rain - Amanda Marshall
Let's twist again - Chubby Checker
Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull
Lola - the Kinks
Loosing my Religion - REM
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles
Luka - Suzanne Vega
More than Words - Extreme
Near to Banbridge Town
One Night Stand - Joint Venture
Piano Man - Billy Joel
Red Rubber Ball - Simon & Garfunkel
Ruby Tuesday - The Rolling Stones
Save tonight - Eagle Eye Cherry
She's Got it (Venus) - Shocking Blue
Stand by Me - Ben E. King
Talki'Bout A Revolution - Tracy Chapman
Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton
The Boxer - Simon und Garfunkel
The Green Fields of France - Eric Bogle
The Letter - The Box Tops
The Queen and the Soldier - Suzanne Vega
Those were the Days - Gene Raskin
To be with you - Mr. Big
Twist and Shout - The Beatles
Two Suns in the Sunset - Pink Floyd
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Vår - DeLillos
We can leave the world - Sasha
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
What a Wonderful World - Sam Cooke
What's Up - Four Non Blindes
Whe I come Around - Green Day
When I'm Dead and Gone - Fury in the Slaughterhouse
Where do the Children Play? - Cat Stevens
Whiskey in the Jar
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton
Ye Yacobites
Yesteday - The Beatles
The IMWe Pages:
A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
A Horse with no name - America
A Pirate's Life - IMWe Song 2017 by Julia, Daniel, Jens & Simon
Africa - Toto
Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python
An Offer You Cannot Refuse - IMWe Song 2012 by Lübeck and Christoph
Bonnie ship the Diamond - The Corries (Scottish Trad.)
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Bravo for the Opera - IMWe Song 2009 by Christoph
Cucumberenia Culinaris - IMWe Song 2005 by Christoph
Dancing in the Backyard - Minor Majority
Down in Rieneck Town - Miriam (new!)
Elementary, Watson - IMWe Song 2007 by Wendy
Emmylou - First Aid Kit (new!)
Es ist Gut, wenn Du weisst, was Du willst - Ganz Schön Feist
Far Far Away - Slade
File Away (The Pen Pushers Shanty) - Sebastian Barwinek (new!)
From Now On - From the Movie "The Greatest Showman" (new!)
Galway Shawl - Irish Traditional (new!)
Girl in Oslo - Big Bang
Golden Circle - Honig
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day (new!)
Greenland Whale - Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys (new!)
Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen
Help! - The Beatles
Here in Japan - IMWe Song 2013 by Schabi and Lübeck
Hit Me Baby - Britney Spears
Hit the Road, Jack - Ray Charles
Ho Hey - The Lumineers
Home of my heart - Inga Auðbjörg Straumland (new!)
Hotel California - The Eagles
I want it that way - Backstreet Boys (new!)
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
I Will Wait - Mumford and Sons
Inside - Vertical Horizon
It's Al Mashewa - IMWe Song 2008 by Christoph
It's all in your Head - IMWe Song 2006 by Wendy
JamBOO!ree - IMWe song 2023 by Arnor, Jens and Simon (new!)
Je Veux - Zaz
Jeden Abend träumt Jerschenkow - Trad.
Jungle Fever - IMWe Song 2010 by Rieke and Peter
Keep Hauling - Fisherman's Friends / Show of Hands (new!)
Leipzig - Svavar Knútur
Let Her Go - Passenger
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Mission Supernova - IMWe Song 2011 by Lübeck and Christoph
Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran
No Fairy Tale - IMWe Song 2004 by Christoph
Not Fair - Lily Allen (new!)
On the Rails to the West - IMWe Song 2015 by Jens, Lübeck and Simon
Piratenlied - Die Opis (BdP)
Rangur Maður - Sólstrandargæjarnir
Riptide - Vance Joy
Rocking in the Free World - Neil Young
Sirenisima - IMWe Song 2022 by Annika, Simon and Ronja (new!)
Still haven't found what I'm looking for - U2
Tales from Mount Olympus - IMWe Song 2016 by Jens, Simon and Lübeck
The Hero in You - IMWe Song 2018 by Annika, Lübeck and Simon
The Joker - Steve Miller Band
The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The Tokens
The Look - Roxette
The Mermaid - Trad. (new!)
The Story of Us - IMWe Song 2019 by Annika, Bebbo and Blaž (new!)
The Wild Rover - Trad.
This is the Life - Amy Macdonald (new!)
Through the Door - IMWe Song 2014 by Julia and Peter
Wagon Wheel - Bob Dylan & Ketch Secor
Waltzing Matilda - "Banjo" Paterson (new!)
We Had It All - Mike Hanranhan (new!)
Weather with You - Crowded House
Wellerman - A Sea ballad from Australia and New Zealand (new!)
What shall we do with the drunken sailor - Trad.
Whatt's Pub Song (BuLa2014) - Frank, Jens, Lübeck, Simon et co.
With or Without You - U2
Wonderwall - Oasis
Won't Forget These Days - Fury in the Slaughterhouse