IMWe 2020
IMWe goes viral
Sun 05.04. - Sat. 11.04.2020
The world wide internet
Plenty of online offers from games to crafting, music to sports, planting flowers to pub quiz...
Friends of IMWe from near and far
Due to the Corona Crisis, IMWe on Rieneck Castle was cancelled. Instead, we went viral, starting with with a Live Stream Opening Ceremony on Sunday on Youtube and continuing with various events throughout the week until the Concert and End Ceremony on Saturday. The great thing about IMWe going Viral was, that the IMWe community shaped it together: some of the programmes were provided by us teamers, but in the heart of this event were the participants, who truly rolled up their sleeves and made it an amazing week full of friendship and creativity.
How was that even possible? Below you can find our event framework from the Easter Week 2020...
Photos - Crafty Creations from IMWe 2020
Enter the —» Picture Gallery 2020 using the password.
Hint for Password: German name of the beautiful workshop room on the top of the tower of Castle Rieneck.
Other Memories
Closing of the Day recordings
Videos & Music:
Who can participate in IMWe Goes Viral?
Anyone interested in IMWe!
All of you who would have participated on IMWe 2020 as well as any other friends of IMWe out there.
Maybe you couldn’t sign up for IMWe this year because of work? Now you can!
Maybe you have been thinking for years that you would like to participate, but didn’t quite dare to? Let this be your low threshold event to try out some IMWe from the safety of your own home!
Or maybe you have been to IMWe 20 years ago and would like to do it once more? Welcome!
We understand that the concept of IMWe, and even more an online IMWe, can be confusing for new participants who have never experienced the event in Rieneck. Don’t worry! We have two teamers who are there just to make you feel at home, Lisa and Josie!
How do I know what is going on?
We will be active on a number of online platforms. Primarily, you should keep your eyes open on the following ones:
Our google calendar. Here you will find all the events that will happen during the week. You can see the calendar on our homepage or access it directly here.
This page! If we have any important changes to the event, they will be posted right here!
Our Discord channel that opens on Sunday. This will be our hangout area where hopefully many of the activities can be done directly, and where you can see who else is around.
Discord allows you to chat via text message or by entering one of the audio chat rooms, which you enter/switch by clicking on them. Furthermore, small video chats are possible. You can reach it via this link. For help, please contact Jens.
Various activities will probably happen all over the Internet - video conference tools, online whiteboards and notepads, instagram, facebook… the organizers of each event chooses whatever platform fits their needs best. Just remember to enter your activity in the google calendar (see instructions below) and write on the Discord Blackboard first!
By the end of the week we would love to be able to show off all your creations, just like at an IMWe workshop fair! If you, by the end of your programme point, have something that you have produced (a short movie, a music album, a list of home-scouting activities for cub scouts, photos of self-knitted mittens…), please share it in our google drive folder.
We are aware that even google storage space isn’t endless, so please consider the size of your contributions, and ask the team before uploading anything gigantic! We will keep an eye on the folder throughout the week, possibly moving large contributions to our homepage or elsewhere.
So... do I have to hang out 24/7?
No! You can participate in as many or as few of the offered activities as you want to. Hang out with other IMWeans around the clock, or just show up for one chatting time - your choice!
...Talking of chatting time; those of you who have already been to IMWe know that this is a great opportunity in the middle of each busy day to sit together over a cup of tea or coffee and, well, chat about anything! And this is what we want to do when IMWe Goes Viral as well, every day Monday to Saturday at 14:00 Rieneck time. Just join the Chatting Time Area on our Discord channel and see who is online! If you want to you can sit down on one of our „mattresses“ to discuss a certain topic in a smaller group, or chat with everyone in an open space.
What can I offer?
What would YOU like to see on an online IMWe? A scout skills Interest Group? An online escape room or scavenger hunt for 100 people? Making music together? Listening to music together? Poetry slam? A huge international brunch? Easter Egg Painting competition? A session of sewing all those scout badges onto your uniform? Playing video games together? Seeing people set up tents in their living rooms? Be creative (yet polite!) and go wild!
Daytime and evening programme points: Maybe you would like to organize something really big for the whole group, e.g. an online concert, a big game or an IMWe style Creative Evening! Then, please gather some people to help you and contact a "Day Manager" (see below).
One wish from the team: Try to limit any projects to the duration of the IMWe week. Old IMWe veterans know that projects that are not finished during the workshops in Rieneck are rarely finished at home afterwards ;) Remember to upload the results and outcomes of your activities to our google drive folder!
Just a brief reminder: the language of IMWe goes viral and all the activities offered is English.
How can I offer an activity?
Starting Right Now you can offer your activity via this form. Did you think there wouldn’t be a form?! Of course there is. You can specify any further details in the “technical details” section - like how many people can join or what tools do you need to have at home, etc. Please note, that it may take a couple of minutes before your activity shows up in the google calendar!
If you need to access our google form results directly (table view), please have a look here
You will probably gain more attention for your activity if you advertise it on our Discord channel (the Blackboard is an excellent room for this!) and additionally in the IMWeb facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/IMWeb/
At the end, share your results in our google drive folder
HELP! I need help with all of this!
Don't panic! Maybe someone online on Discord has the answer for you - take a look at the Courtyard, or join the next Chatting Time!
If you have any questions before IMWe Goes Viral, just contact us as usual at info@imwe.net
If you need help with our various online platforms, please contact our Tech-Wizards Jens and Blaž
If you have questions to a specific programme point, please contact whoever offers that activity!
On each of the days of IMWe goes Viral, one or two of us teamers will have an overview of what is going on during that day. If you want to check with a teamer, how you could realize your programme idea, please contact the „Day Manager“ when you want to do (or start) your activity.
Sunday: Daniel & Pia
Monday: Lübeck
Tuesday: Pia & Josie
Wednesday: Julia
Thursday: Arnór & Bebbo
Friday: Ronja & Sebi
Saturday: Jens & Simon
We kindly ask you to please keep in mind that we IMWe teamers will not be around 24/7 when IMWe Goes Viral. We will be reading our emails, but not every hour... please be patient, ask around in the online crowd for help, or come up with some creative solution on your own! A day manager does not necessarily participate in the events of that day, nor are they responsible for all the programme points. We are certain you understand that we cannot offer a full professional helpdesk or moderation service for the event. Thank you for your understanding!
Contact, Links, Platforms and Tools
Our Social Media and official channels:
IMWe Homepage: www.imwe.net
Facebook Page: @vcp.imwe
Facebook Group: IMWeb
Instagram: @vcp_imwe
Twitter: @vcp_imwe
Our official event platforms and tools:
Google calendar: on our homepage or direct access. Form results, in table format.
Form for entering an activity to the calendar
Google Drive Folder for results and outcomes from your activities
Technical Support during IMWe goes Viral:
Jens & Blaž
Help and support for our First Time Participants:
Lisa & Josie
Tools you might want to check out and use for your activities:
- "Make beautiful boards, documents, and webpages that are easy to read and fun to contribute to" (Requires login)
- "A Web Whiteboard is a touch-friendly online whiteboard app that makes drawing, collaboration and sharing easy."
- an online brainstorming tool, "MURAL enables innovative teams to think and collaborate visually to solve important problems. People benefit from MURAL’s speed and ease of use in creating diagrams, which are popular in design thinking and agile methodologies, as well as tools to facilitate more impactful meetings and workshops."